Deep Cleaning Services
Many of our client use our additional cleaning services such as moss removal, hard water stain and spot removal, garden furniture restoration, factory windows deep cleaning, Industrial Cleaning services etc.
Take a close look at our cleaning services list in order to select the most appropriate option that will best suit your needs. Window Cleaning Xpert provides all type of window cleaning services, including various combinations between all basic and additional services. Contact us for more information and we would be glad to assist you.
After Builders and First Window Cleaning
We also provide deep cleaning for windows that have cement, dust due to builders being on the site. If it's a newly built window sometimes we may need to remove the plastic stickers, soemtimes its just a case of removing the paint or cement off the window using specialist blades. Nevertheless we will guarantee to restore your windows to bea as good as new.

At the same time, if you have not cleaned your windows for a long period of time to which extent algae, moss had grown on to your window frames, sills or upvc doors, we will apply special cleaning liquid and do a deep cleaning process to get back the best condition.

Additional Cleaning Service Prices
One Off / First clean Price
Stain and Spot Removal - from £25
Factory Windows Deep Cleanings - from £25
Garden Furniture Restoration - from £20
Industrial pressure wash Cleaning - from £25
These prices are just for Sample only. The Actual price depend on your work time and dirt condition. But if you would like to have a special full cleaning package please give us a call, we are very happy to give you an all in one offer which will save your hundreds of pounds. So please call us for a cheap and effective cleaning quotation which is 100% free.
Hi There!
We do offer specially for the new customers an all in one
domestic cleaning package which is included following:
Bangalows from £50
Terraced House from £60
Semidetached House from £100
Small Detached House from £120
Big Detached House from £140
You can simply add to this package offer any other cleaning services like driveway or patio or roof cleaning etc. We will definitely give you the best price with the quality service.
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Please call today Nash on 07739379129
If you have any inquery or quote request
Please fill and send this form. We will be get in touch as soon as possible to get your quote for you.